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Freshwater Pearls

Freshwater pearls possess high lustrous quality and are available at affordable prices. These pearls are grown inside mollusks naturally occurring in bays, lakes and rivers. Generally the freshwater pearls come from USA, China and Japan. These pearls are formed inside the bodies of mollusks. And do you know that a single mollusk has the ability to produce fifty pieces of pearls. But the most important thing which you must consider is the quality of pearl.

You can find freshwater pearls in wide variety of natural shades but white color is the most tradition and classic. And the best part is that the jewelry designed from freshwater pearls can complement any outfits and dresses. Today there are many women who love to have freshwater pearls and the reason of its popularity is its natural beauty and lustrous appeal. It is one of most cherished gemstones.

The freshwater pearls are similar to the Akoya pearl but the only difference is that the price of freshwater pearl is 1/5 the price of Akoya pearls. Freshwater pearls are less symmetrical and smaller also comparing to other pearls. But it is the perfect gift since they are created by living organisms and are acknowledged to be one of the most timeless, feminine and unique of all gems. It is a secret of style and elegance for most women.

No matter, where you are pearls complement all occasions whether it is your special event, wedding or party. It is regarded as a symbol of purity and love and is believed an emblem of chastity and modesty.

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