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Diamond Education Buying a diamond is not something that is done without some forethought because it is, frankly, an important purchase. Fortunately, the most important elements you need to know are easily remembered because they all begin with the letter C: cut, clarity, color and carat size. There are other components that you may wish to become familiar with, such as girdle and table, and these will be explained as well in the following paragraphs. But “the four C's” are the most important points to know about. What you learn will go a long way to helping you make the perfect choice.

Diamond Cut

Because it is composed of a generally transparent material, diamond lets light pass through it, even in its most rough condition. But early on in history, stone cutters realized that you can get extra sparkle if they faceted the diamond, and they set about finding out the best combination of facet size and shape and angle to get the most sparkle. Eventually, one design with 58 facets was shown to be the most efficient way to maximize the stone’s best qualities and this became known as the ideal cut. It remains the industry standard, and is the shape that most people recognize as being a diamond shape.

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Diamond Color

Color is one of the four main characteristics of the 4 C’s of a diamond. It is important that a buyer does pay importance to the color as it also determines the quality of a diamond. It is advisable that a buyer has some basic knowledge about the grading of colors of a diamond for a better understanding and be able to make the right choice. A diamond which is chemical free and structurally perfect would be absolutely colorless with no hues.

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Diamond Clarity

The visual appearance of existing internal characteristics of a diamond called inclusions and surface imperfection popularly know as blemishes, is referred as the clarity of a diamond. It is one of the four pillars of 4 C’s. Inclusions in a diamond can be made by foreign particles or another diamond crystal or by naturally any structural imperfections like tiny cracks. Flawless or nearly flawless diamonds are very rare and very expensive Amidonjewelers.com provides with the some of the clearest diamonds. Learn more how to choose the right grade of clarity for the perfect diamond ring of your choice.

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Diamond Carat Weight

The term carat is used to measure the weight of a diamond and refers to the mass of the diamond. As once you have decided on which cut, color and clarity to choose the next important decision would be to decide on the carat weight. The budget has to be kept in mind while you select your preferred carat. Since diamonds are a produce of mother earth, larger diamonds are rarity as compared to smaller once hence they are highly prized. The value of a diamond rises with the carat weight. A one carat diamond ring will always be more expensive in comparison to a ring made of smaller diamonds that weighs either a carat or even more. The chart below exemplifies how different carat weight looks after it is set in a ring.

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Diamond Enhancements

Diamond enhancements, known also as diamond treatments, involve several techniques for improving the gemological characteristics of gems that are already cut and polished. Jewelers treat the diamonds mainly to improve their clarity and other quality parameters by laser drilling and other means so that the gems can be sold at higher prices. This is the reason that United States Federal Trade Commission requires the jewelers to clearly disclose to the customers all the treatments done on the diamond.

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Diamond Fluorescence

Some diamonds reveal a change in colors when ultraviolet light falls on them. The light may be from sun or from fluorescent light bulbs. This characteristic of the diamonds showing another color in the light is called fluorescence. When buying the diamonds, you should ask the jeweler for the certificate disclosing fluorescence quality of the gemstone to determine its prices correctly.

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Diamond Certificate

Diamonds that are described by Amidonjewelers.com as Premium have a make which is considered fine by anyone in the industry. In the case of round diamonds, many of these diamonds have cuts that are the equal of any Ideal Cut diamond, though they often can be purchased at slightly lower prices than AGS Ideal Cuts. They are intended to provide maximum brilliance and fire. They are truly for the connoisseur who enjoys knowing that he has one of the finest things that money can buy.

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Diamond Care

Diamonds are expensive gems that you would not be buying very often. So, an utmost care of the precious stones is a must once you have bought them as an investment tool for future or in the studded form in jewelry like rings and pendants. Though, a feature of diamonds is that they are the hardest substance and can only be damaged when hit by another diamond, still some other types of damages can occur to them.

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Engagement Ring Guide

Engagement Ring Guide The first step that you take to seal your love is engagement; it is one of the most significant events in a couple’s life. It is important that you choose the perfect engagement ring for the unique woman in your life. This guide will help you in details to find out the right engagement ring in terms of style, design and setting.

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