Whether you’re single on Valentine’s Day due to circumstances or choice, we know it can be difficult if you’re a single lady. The motorized shopping carts at the grocery store may tempt you to help the staff take down the Valentine’s Day displays a few days early. Don’t do it! We know you’re strong, and based on the fact that you found our site and blog, you’re obviously intelligent! Amidon Jewelers is here to help you make it through Valentine’s Day as a HAPPY single lady. Yes, you may wish you had a significant other by your side, but just because you don’t doesn’t mean there aren’t other special people who want to spend Valentine’s Day with you. Who? Take out your cell phone and look through your contact list. We’re willing to bet there are more than a couple single girls on the list who may be feeling the same way you do. So invite them over, and use some of our ideas (below) to make this Valentine’s Day memorable! 1. Throw an Un-Valentine’s Day Party! Consider it Halloween in February, and make gory costumes mandatory. Decorate your house with decorations from any holiday BUT Valentine’s Day, and have a blast! 2. Have an anti-Valentine’s Day movie marathon. Be sure to add the following your list: a. My Bloody Valentine b. Fatal Attraction c. Obsessed 3. Reserve a table for ten at a local restaurant, and take full advantage of the sweetheart specials! Why should couples be the only people to enjoy the 2-for-1 deals? And who says you need to eat an entrée? Start with drinks and appetizers and then skip to dessert! It’s YOUR day and YOU make the rules! 4. Spray paint a Nerf gun’s arrows silver, dress up like Cupid and wander the streets shooting targets. Be sure to target people who look like they could use a smile in their day, but avoid couples. Location suggestion: The laundry mat. 5. Compile the best single (and strong) lady music tracks burn mixes for all your friends! Here are a few tracks to get you started: a. I Will Survive – Gloria Gaynor
b. Survivor – Destiny’s Child c. Since U Been Gone – Kelly Clarkson 6. Barhop for the evening friends and have a contest for who collects the most phone numbers. At the end of the night, have a number burning ceremony. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher nearby, because with all those numbers you may build quite a blaze! 7. Together with your friends, compose your must-have list for your future mates. Be sure to include at least 10 characteristics you are looking for in your future/soul mate. After composing your list, read it aloud to your friends and make a pact not to date anyone who defies your list.
Valentine’s Day Guide For Single Ladies
By: Amidon Jewelers