Even people who never loved Star Trek might suddenly develop an interest in outer space. Why? Because of space diamonds! Scientists already knew that diamonds dwelled in the cold cores of Uranus and Neptune. But recently they’ve learned that Jupiter and Saturn, much hotter planets, also produce diamonds! It all starts with lightning storms. Soot or graphite falls into the planet’s deep atmosphere and is crushed into diamond. As the gems move down through the planet, the heat of the core liquefies them. Even crazier is the prospect of diamond rain. Temperatures and pressure on Jupiter and Saturn can liquefy diamond. And in the cores of the planets, some of the diamonds floating in the helium and hydrogen fluid are so large you could call them diamondbergs. Yes, that’s a cross between a diamond and an iceberg.
A book called Alien Seas came out this year. It tells the story of the seas on other planets. One chapter speculates on robotic mining ships one day collecting Saturn’s diamonds and bringing them to Earth. Imagine the romance of a space diamond engagement ring. The fellow could get down on his knee and say, “My love, you’re out of this world. Light years ahead of the other gals.” Do we predict a new outer space wedding theme? However, for now we’ll have to be satisfied with our own fabulous diamonds made right here on planet Earth. Amidon has a lovely selection, as always. Whether you’re looking for engagement, anniversary, birthday, graduation or just because, diamonds say you want to give something beautiful and of great value. As the hardest stone, diamonds are a durable, long-lasting gift. But we’ll leave you with a few space diamond-inspired Halloween costume ideas:
- Bling alien
- Space princess with space diamond-studded tiara and space antennae
- Rhinestone space cowboy
- Space rapper with space diamond grill