With the holiday season rapidly approaching, you may decide you could use some extra money to buy that special Christmas gift for the love of your life. You may think the best bet to make some extra money would be a yard sale or to sell something of substantial value in your home, but think again! The best and safest bet is your local cash for gold store that is right around the corner from your house. Here, you will be able to sell your gold and walk out of the store with cash money in your pocket. Get Today's Gold Price at Amidon Jewelers Now, when you have decided you definitely want to get rid of your broken or unwanted gold jewelry, you need to do a little research before actually taking the gold to the cash for gold store. This is to protect yourself from shady business dealings and also so you can make sure you are getting the most bang for your buck. First, you will need to know what kind of gold you have. If you are dealing with a necklace then it will likely tell you the gold on the clasp of the jewelry. However, if you are dealing with a ring or something else, it may not be as clearly labeled. Do not rely on your cash for gold store to tell you which kind of gold it is. Take the item to a local jewelry store and ask them to tell you instead. Having an unbiased third party tell you the kind of gold will not affect the sale of your gold whatsoever, so they will more than likely be very honest about what type of gold you possess. After you know what kind of gold you have, you will need to weigh it. Keep in mind, when weighing, buying and selling gold, the Troy Ounce can be used, which differs greatly from a regular ounce or grams. You need to know how your cash for gold store is going to weight your gold before offering you a dollar amount. This is to make sure you receive the highest amount for your gold. Lastly, find a cash for gold store that has a great reputation. Heaven forbid you do not get the money you need in time for Christmas because you did not read online reviews about this store. They are right at your fingertips, so there are no excuses at all.
Receive Cash For Gold Right In Time For The Holidays
By: Amidon Jewelers