Pandora Bracelet Event & Annual Tent Sale
July 10-19, West Lebanon and Claremont Locations With any $100 Pandora purchase, get a free Pandora leather bracelet or a multi-strand leather cord.
July 11th, 12th 9:30-6 West Lebanon NH
Join us at the Tent Sale at the Powerhouse Mall. Save on close-outs and many other reduced items. Come early! This event is crazy-busy.
Adjustable bracelets with charms
$25 for almost every style Angelica offers easily adjustable bracelets with charms that let a woman show how she feels, what she believes in and who she is.
Designed and manufactured in the USA, using only recycled metals. Learn More Here.
Ruby is the July Birthstone; read about history and care instructions here on our blog.
Yard Sale Treasures; Here are some tips to help you separate costume from heirloom jewelry this summer, find them here.