Think you know your gems? Test your scientific and metaphysical knowledge of some of Amidon’s most beautiful offerings with our multiple choice quiz. If you score well, reward yourself with a new piece of jewelry! 1. This variety of corundum comes from Australia, Southeast Asia andSri Lanka. With a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale, it makes an excellent ring. According to gem lore, this stone brings a thirst for truth and a love of justice. Meditating on this stone can spur you to contemplate the heavens. Its therapeutic uses include freeing people from inner prisons and psychic suffering. Is it: A. Emerald B. Ruby C. Sapphire D. Topaz
2. Made of calcium carbonate, this gem is only 2.5 to 4 on the hardness scale, making it delicate indeed. Found in the Indian Ocean,Persian Gulf, Australia, Japan and the Isthmus of Panama, in India it’s called “The Divine Mother.” Therapeutically, this gem may be dissolved in vinegar and rubbed on your temples to counteract depression or suicidal thoughts. A. Amber B. Pearl C. Alexandrite D. Tanzanite 3. This beautiful gem composed of aluminum silicate and beryllium is mined in Pakistan, Colombia, South Africa, India, Brazil and the Ural Mountains of Russia. It’s believed to balance the emotions, intellect and spirit. Therapeutically, you can place this gem over tired organs to counteract aging. Romans stuck tiny pieces of this gem in the corners of people’s eyes to improve their vision. A. Tanzanite B. Emerald C. Mystic Topaz D. Diamond 4. This type of corundum hails fromTanzania,Norway, Sri LankaandSoutheast Asia. Considered an aphrodisiac, it can also overwhelm you with passion and lead to envy, if you’re not careful. Supposedly if you suck on this stone, you’ll be able to eloquently declare your love. Fire signs like Leo and Aries feel an affinity for this stone. A. Tanzanite B. Pearl C. Sapphire D. Ruby
5. This semi-precious gem is composed of silicon dioxide. Its principal deposits are in Uruguay, Sri Lanka, North Africa, Russia and Brazil. Its name comes from Greek for “not intoxicated” and was thought to ward off drunkenness. This gem also promotes sobriety of a spiritual nature and was worn by priests in rings. Some people believe that placing this stone under your mattress will cure insomnia and prevent bad dreams. A. Amethyst B. Ruby C. Peridot D. Blue Topaz Answers: 1. C, 2. B, 3. B, 4. D, 5. A Source: The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals by Florence Megemont
Name That Gem Trivia Quiz
By: Amidon Jewelers