We all know that the magnificent red RUBY can represent July, one of the hottest months of summer. The astrological sign July represented by Leo, who is the royal king and lion of the animals. An immovable sign containing fire element, Leo’s persons are generous, hospitable, noble, helpful, demanding and outgoing. Leo rules the heart on the human body. Café Astrology says that the Leo sign represent the King of the beasts. Throughout history, he symbolized power, leadership, and bravery. The lion’s size and strength have caught human mind since ancient times. Leos are to be the strong leaders. They always have the royal superiority, and possess a honorable manner that is hard to miss. Genuine Mozambique Ruby & Diamond Ring American Gem Society explains the following about the rubies, it stimulated the senses, stirrings the imagination, and said to pledge health, intelligence, prosperity and success in love. Ruby is a variation of the gems types called corundum. It is tougher than any natural gemstone except diamond, which means a ruby is long lasting for everyday wear. Excellent ruby is exceptionally rare, and the color of the gem is most imperative to its value. The most sought for color is a medium or medium dark intense red or slightly purple leading to red color. Usually if the gem is too bright or has considerably purple or orange, we will call an extravagant color sapphire. The larger the stone, the greater value the ruby contains. Huge rubies are more problematic to find than diamonds, sapphires and emeralds. The finest rubies are located in the Mogok valley of Upper Burma or Thailand. These are two places where the rich red colored gems are the local specialty. Ancient Asian believed that rubies contain the spark of life. In this part of the world, the bright red stones it is assumed that were self-luminous. Glowing stone or the lamp stone are the fancy words used to call Rubies. Hindu priests believed that rubies in the homes of the god were once used to bring the light. The Greek legend says that Heraclea received a bright ruby as a gift to light her room.
Genuine Ruby & Diamond Ring Today, the physical properties of Rubies are just astonishing. Rubies stimulate a clear mind, amplified attentiveness and a better sense of inspiration. Self-confidence and willpower are also properties of rubies. Furthermore, rubies are to excite the base chakra aggregate chi, or the life force energy, through your body. Check out Amidon Jewelers’ selection of Rubies for your preferred July birthday girl. self-luminous. Glowing stone or the lamp stone are the fancy words used to call Rubies. Hindu priests believed that rubies in the homes of the god were once used to bring the light. The Greek legend says that Heraclea received a bright ruby as a gift to light her room.
Red Fire
By: Amidon Jewelers