Diamond stud earrings have always been a staple in the jewelry collections of fashionable women. The timeless white diamond dollop on the earlobe always feels right.
Naturally, we continue to show our respect for the classic, timeless round brilliant solitaire diamond studs that carry us from morning to late night with simple elegance. Every girl should have at least one pair of white diamond studs on hand for any occasion, right? Of course. Still, f you haven’t already ventured from this classic but safe stud, it might be time to expand your horizons and mix it up a little - add a variation or two to your diamond stud collection. The charm of diamond stud earrings is not lost on the black diamond solitaire. On the contrary, black diamond solitaire studs are a wonderful alternative to the white diamonds. Maybe a little more dangerous, or maybe just what you need to complete an outfit. Like their white diamond siblings, black diamond solitaire studs are a must have for every girl if she doesn’t already have a pair.
There’s another person who wears a black diamond well, and he isn’t always asking to borrow yours when you aren’t looking. Consider a pair of black diamond
earrings for your man’s next birthday, anniversary, or holiday gift. It’s not always this obvious, but in the case of black diamond stud earrings, what’s feminine sexy on you can be manly sexy on him. Few items in our communal wardrobes fit this bill – let’s face it, you can probably count the number of “shares” you and your guy have when it comes time to dress to impress. Your black diamond studs may be in his ears more often than yours, so once you tire of hiding them, go buy him a pair of his own. Do a little research on diamond quality, and what to look for in a pair of diamond studs. Mainly, as in all things, size matters. Small diamonds may disappear on his manly ear lobes. Give some thought to his tastes to determine just how big those diamonds should be.
Another diamond stud earring that ventures from the classic round solitaire is the pri
ncess cut diamond stud, which serves up a whole different flavor of elegance. The princess cut diamond stud earring is a popular favorite in diamond engagement rings – in fact it is the second most sought after center stone, the round brilliant being its top competitor. While most square cut diamonds just don't have the sparkle of a round brilliant, the princess cut diamond was designed specifically to get the most brilliance possible out of a square cut. Princess cut diamond studs can be low key elegant, or high visual drama, depending on their size and the girl wearing them. They give the illusion of being bigger than their actual carat size, so the princess cut is perfect for the girl who loves to bling it with class. Earrings have always been considered among the most charming and thoughtful pieces of diamond jewelry one can give or receive as a gift, but most women aren’t waiting for someone else to buy them any longer – more and more women today buy themselves diamond jewelry as a reward, a spirit booster, or simply to expand their jewelry wardrobe. A pair of classic diamond stud earrings is a quick heart melter, ego booster, and all-around joy to wear. Even as the popularity of colored diamonds rises, it’s nice to be outfitted with the classics. A pair of round diamond solitaire studs, black diamond solitaire studs, or princess cut diamond studs are all you really need to keep all eyes on you - and to feel like a million bucks in the process. ###
Diamond Solitaire Earrings: Round Brilliant, Black Diamond, And Princess Cut
By: Amidon Jewelers