Fall has officially fallen. Instead of missing the warm days of summer, it’s time to look ahead and anticipate the chillier pleasures of fall. So let’s turn our attention to the fun and the colors of turning leaves. Hey, they look kind of like rubies, citrine and topaz! Time to get cozy. Shake out your sweaters, find your favorite gloves, drape a soft scarf around your neck. Boot weather is here! If you have a fireplace in your house, stock up on wood. The raking workout. Who needs the gym when your yard is full of leaves? Get out your rake and feel your shoulders getting stronger. Plus you get that wholesome rosy glow on your cheeks from exercising in the cool air. Apples! Pears! It’s harvest time. Celebrate with fresh apples, pear sauce, or a mug of hot cider. Don’t forget the cinnamon and cloves. Smells of autumn. The crisp air and turning leaves bring along that special fall smell. It’s a mixture of leaves, rain and wood smoke. Breathe it in.
Family times. As we enter fall, the holiday season draws near. Think about the fun things you can do to celebrate with your special people, be they family or friends. Goodwill towards humankind. Maybe this is the year you’ll volunteer to serve a Thanksgiving meal to the needy, or organize a gift drive for a battered women’s shelter. Everybody can find somebody less fortunate to help. Sharing your love just makes your love grow bigger. Halloween. Whether you celebrate Halloween or harvest festival, it’s a time of year for games, treats and costumes. Explore your alter ego. Bob for apples. Play games at a harvest festival. Get lost in a corn maze.
Letting Go. As the leaves fall from the trees, maybe you can let go of a few things, too. Do you have too much stuff in your house? Donate useful goods to your favorite charity. Do you have negative patterns in your life that no longer serve you? Animosity or resentments towards people? Let that fall away, too, so you can lighten your heart and let more love and happiness in.
8 Great Things About Fall
By: Amidon Jewelers