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We Want Your Gold

Secure transparent evaluations in a trusted and local enviroment

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Why should I sell my gold to Amidon with all of my options? You have several options as to where to sell your gold. For example you can send it off in the mail to an internet refiner and see what you get back. Possibly you could go to a pawn shop. However, perhaps your best option is to sell your gold to Amidon Jewelers, a trusted, local jewelry store in West Lebanon, New Hampshire.

If you sell your gold to us you will have a pleasant experience, and receive an excellent value. You will be dealing directly with a dedicated and caring associate who will answer any questions and explain the evaluation process.

Where do you start? We will be happy to evaluate your gold in our West Lebanon location. Stop into our  West Lebanon location at anytime with your photo ID, (appointments are requested for large collections). Our friendly staff will evaluate your gold with you. We will make you an offer. We will match 50% of the offer if you choose to apply it toward store credit or make a purchase at that or another time.

What types of metal or diamonds do you buy? We take almost any type of gold. Some of the most common items our guests turn in to cash or upgrade towards new jewelry are:

- gold necklaces - gold earrings - bent or broken jewelry - cuff links
- dental gold - large diamonds - estate and bridal - gold watches
- gold coins - estate and bridal - gold rings - tangled or broken chains

Large diamonds, precious gemstones, and estate jewelry in remarkable condition may hold additional value. We will inform you during the evaluation if your jewelry is eligible for a value greater than scrap pricing.

We do not buy items that are gold filled, or gold plated.

How do you determine the Karat and Weight of my Gold? While many items are stamped with the Karat measure, we have different forms of testing equipment that can accurately determine Karat. We are happy to show and explain the valuation process to your and weigh you items in full view.

How long does it take to evaluate the gold? Most gold evaluations are finished up in about 30 minutes. If you have a large quantity or unusual items this process can take longer and we encourage you to make an appointment.

What documentation and ID will you need from me? It is important to us that we are working with the true owner of the jewelry sold to us. Please have a state or federally issued photo ID. You will be presented with a cash offer form to sign before being issued payment.

How long does it take to get a credit or check?
Store credits are issued immediately. We will supply you a check on the seventh calander day from the day we evaluated your gold. Be Assured, if gold goes up during that seven days we will increase your check accordingly. If gold goes down, your check amount stays the same.


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